

  • 2022, 14 November. Judgment formation under self-direction. [Oordeelsvorming onder eigen regie.] Workshop at the Werkconferentie Instellingsaccreditatie, organized by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Leiden, the Netherlands. With Alexandra Paffen (University of Amsterdam). https://www.werkconferentie-instellingsaccreditatie.nl/
  • 2022, 27-28 June. Defensible unreliability – designing aggregation and deliberation procedures for peer review panels. Presented at the Philosophy of Science in a Forest 2022 conference (PSF 2022), Leusden, the Netherlands. https://www.ozsw.nl/activity/nvwf-conference-2022/
  • 2021, 18-19 November. Do assessment panels require spoken testimony to trust written evidence? Presented at the European Quality Assurance Forum 2021 (EQAF 2021), online. https://events.eua.eu/eqaf2021
  • 2019, 26-28 June. Beoordelen van hbo-stages aan de hand van domain-specific epistemic beliefs. [Assessing internships in higher vocational education on the basis of domain-specific epistemic beliefs.] Poster presentation at the Onderwijs Research Dagen 2019, Heerlen, the Netherlands. With Michel van Dartel.


  • 2022. Cocreatie van oordelen. Accreditatiepanels in hoger onderwijs. [Co-creation of judgments. Accreditation review panels in higher education.] In T. van der Zouwen (Ed.), Apenkooien met cocreatie. Inzichten en voorbeelden uit acht jaar lectoraat. Avans Hogeschool. [PDF]

* yes, just one. But just wait and see! 🙂